Air Medcare Network

Working to help rural populations in life and death emergencies is the goal of AMCN. How can we provide a great service for minimal cost to the consumer and turn it around extremely quickly?

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AMCN provided us with a unique challenge, as their insurance cost and coverage areas differentiated not only by state but by specific area codes. How would we develop the check-out membership process, to make it easier without deterring consumers from bouncing off the site due to price changes?



With price changes in the checkout process being a large factor for rebounding, we needed to take a new approach to showing pricing on the site. We worked developing a site that would interact directly with the IP address of the consumer and give them immediate and up to date information on the cost in their area. However, we did realize that in some cases IP addresses can be wrong, so we had to implement a secondary fallback using area codes as a form of confirmation.

About the Project

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